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70th ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24

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Certificate of Origin (CoO):

Certificate of Origin (CoO) is an instrument to establish evidence on origin of goods imported into any  country. There are two categories of Certificate of Origin.

  1. Preferential
  2. Non Preferential
Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin

Government has nominated certain agencies to issue Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin (CoO). List  of notified agencies is provided in Appendix-2 E. 

Issuance of Certificate of Origins (Non-Preferential) {CoOs(NP) through Common Digital Platform  (CDP)

Vide Trade Notice No.42/2020-21 issued by Department of Commerce, DGFT proposes to issue online  CoO (NP) wherein the online applications for CoO (NP) will be processed as per provisions of Para  2.108 of Handbook of Procedure based on the declaration of the exporter to the issuing agency,  without any scrutiny of documents. However, uploaded documents like invoices, etc. as prescribed in  para 2.108 will be available for scrutiny at a later date in case there is a need for cross verification, etc. DGFT has also prescribed the certification fee @ Rs. 200 plus 18% GST per certificate; mechanism for  online payment has been made at the portal.

The objective of the platform is to provide an electronic, contact-less single window for the CoO related processes.

It is informed that applicants can choose to avail CoO(NP) online and follow the below instructions:

It may be noted here that for online Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin applications, the e-CoO  system shall generate a set of three (3) CoO leaves i.e. electronic, original and duplicate. The electronic  copy shall bear the image signature of the officer and stamp of the issuing agency. The other copies  shall not bear the image sign and seal of the issuing agency. Wherever required, the exporter may  choose to get the prints of these remaining copies duly signed in wet-ink by the issuing officer along  with the stamp of the issuing office.

As part of this online CoO(NP) application process, the exporters can also choose to avail the option  of requesting for attestation of the supporting documents submitted with the said application,  wherever required. These wet ink signed copies of the CoO(NP) and the attested documents (if any)  may be collected by the applicant exporter by post or in person, for suitable submission to the  concerned authorities in the importing country.

The authenticity of the online CoO(NP) issued shall be verifiable through QR code displayed on the  certificate. Additionally, verification may also be done by keying the certificate number at the  verification link on the e-CoO platform ( https://coo.dgft.gov.in).

The concerned Indian Exporters may please take note of the following points with regard to the  process being notified herewith:

  • Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) would be required for the purpose of electronic submission  of applications. The digital signature would be the same as used in other DGFT applications;
  • The DSC should be Class III. The given DSC may be of either categories -- individual based DSC  or organization based DSC or a DSC with the IEC of the firm embedded into it; Any new applicant exporter would require a one-time registration at the given portal. The  password would be sent on the email and mobile number of the IEC holder. In case the IEC  holder desires to update their email on which communication is to be sent, the same may be  done by using the ‘Modify/Update IEC’ service on the DGFT website https://dgft.gov.in Once registration is completed, the IEC details would be auto-populated from the DGFT-IEC  database. Applicant is required to ensure that updated IEC details are available in the DGFT  system prior to registration. Necessary steps may be taken to update the IEC details online,  where required.
  • Any applicant exporter who is already availing services on this common digital platform for  issuance of Preferential Certificate of Origin is not required to register again. Existing  credentials may be used for logging in to the portal for CoO(NP) as well.

For further guidance on registration and application submission process, the Help Manual & FAQs  may be accessed on the landing page at https://coo.dgft.gov.in . For any further assistance you may  utilize any of the following channels —

  • Raise a service request ticket through the DGFT Helpdesk service
  • Call the toll-free DGFT Helpdesk numbers
  • Send an email to DGFT CoO Helpdesk at coo-dgft@gov.in